Wednesday 14 March 2012

Added pieces of canon through 'What's the Story'

In this blog entry I've added every piece of 'SW'-canon that I managed to include in my WTS entries. Writing WTS entries was much fun and one of the aspects I liked most was that you could try to include pieces of your favourite Star Wars lore.

So far I've been able to add these pieces of new Star Wars canon:
# The Eye of the Beyonder (Tzizvvt entry): Was a relic of legends. It was said that it would lead towards a map of a treasure in the haunted Jandoon System. It was hunted by Tzizvvt.
# Czerka 84-U Hunting Rifle (Wam Lufba entry): Was the weapon of the choice of Wam.
# Pontifex (Maxiron entry): The title of the highest member of the Brotherhood of Cognizance.
# Brotherhood of Cognizance (Maxiron): Arcane religious order on Naboo that worshipped art.
# Veré (Maxiron): Legendary female hero in Naboo legend. Padmé took this name when she married Anakin on Naboo.
# Set (Maxiron): Legendary male hero in Naboo legend. Anakin took this name when he married Padmé on Naboo.

Swilla Corey
# Anooba: Coyote like predators on Tatooine
# Chalmun's Cantina: As seen in 'ANH'
# Jerba: Beast of burden on Tatooine, seen outside the Cantina
# Karazak Slavers: One of the most notorious Slaver's Guilds
# Ketwol: Pacithhip Miner and prospector seen in the Cantina
# Kitik Keed'kak: Yam'rii or Huk female present in the Cantina in 'ANH'
# Lightsaber: An elegant weapon from a more civilised age ...
# Mos Eisley: Spaceport on Tatooine
# Motesta: A small settlement on Tatooine
# Pacithhip: Species of Ketwol
# Sandwhirl: A Tatooine version of a sandstorm
# Tarnab: Species of Senator Mot Not Rab
# Tatooine: The planet that is farthest away from the brightest center in the universe

# Biitu: An agriworld where the Great Heep was send
# Brizzit: Species of Tzizvvt
# Garindan: Kubaz spy in Mos Eisley
# Holonet: A galaxy wide communications network
# Ilna (1): A possible alias of Tzizvvt
# Jandoon: Haunted homeplanet of the Brizzit
# Jandoon System: Where Jandoon is located
# Kubaz: Species from Kubindi
# Lutrillian: Species from Lutrillia in the Greater Javin sector
# Roon: Legendary planet of the Roonstones
# Solomahal: Lutrillian veteran General of the Clone Wars, seen in the Cantina
# Xenoarcheology: Was the science that studied vanished cultures based on scientific research performed on relics and artifacts.

(1) Ilna was originally not in my entry has it eventually turned out.

Wam Lufba
# Centrality: Was an independent government, a large region of space nestled between Hutt Space and the Cron Drift.
# Endor: Homeworld of the Ewoks and Yuzzum
# Hermi Odle: Baragwin weaponsmith and enemy of Snitkin
# Jabba the Hutt: Crimelord of the Desilijic Kajidic
# Jabba's Palace: Where Jabba's court resides on Tatooine
# Joh Yowza: Yuzzum singer of the Rebo Band
# Outer Rim: Large region of planets
# Pit of Carkoon: Nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc
# Pote Snitkin: Skrilling armsdealer in Jabba's Palace
# Rancor: Creature that Jabba kept as entertainment
# Rugger: Rodent that is hunted by the Yuzzum
# Sarlacc: In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering ...
# Skrilling: Species of Pote Snitkin
# Tatooine: The planet that is farthest away from the brightest center in the universe
# Womp Rats: Who didn't use to bulls-eye them back home?
# Yuzzum: Species of Wam Lufba
# Yuzzumi Spear (2): A weapon of the Yuzzum

(2) Yuzzumi Spear was not originally in my entry

Maxiron Agolerga:
# Protocol Droid & Astromech Droid: Are C-3PO and R2-D2 in this story.
# Naboo
# Legislative Youth Program
# King Narmlé
# Gondola Speeder
# Lake Country
# Varykino
# Futhork
# Padmé Amidala: Got wed by Maxiron Agolerga.

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